امروز 6 مرداد 1403 ساعت 22:04

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Dissertation abstract: Investigating the effect of HSE on the efficiency of the power distribution company of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province, considering the role of 5S

Investigating the effect of HSE on the efficiency of the power distribution company of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province, considering the role of 5S
The results of the research showed that the effect of HSE and 5S on productivity as well as the effect of 5S on HSE have been confirmed. Therefore, the implementation of the principles of the grooming system has positive effects on the maintenance and performance of HSE safety, and by lowering the risk costs as well as increasing the work efficiency of the people and equipment of the complex, it increases the overall productivity and helps the managers in achieving the organizational goals. he does.

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