Before the release of the initial version of the occupational health and safety standard (ISO 45001) in 2018, the ISO safety management system stated that the purpose of this standard was to require organizations to implement and establish solutions to prevent such incidents. He had an ISO 45001 job

In fact, the goal of implementing the occupational health and safety management system is to provide solutions to manage possible risks in the field of health and safety of employees in order to prevent unwanted accidents in the workplace. Therefore, the first step in the establishment of the occupational health and safety system is to eliminate the existing risks and minimize possible risks by taking preventive and protective measures. According to the report of the International Labor Organization (ILO), about 2.78 million fatal accidents occur in the workplace every year. Paying attention to these statistics reveals the necessity of creating systematic and effective structures in order to prevent such risks. Among the main reasons for the implementation of occupational health and safety management system in organizations, the following can be mentioned:

  • Requiring governments and employers to implement occupational health and safety management systems in organizations that face significant safety risks.
  • Applying incentive policies from governments in order to implement self-control systems in the fields of health and hygiene in organizations.
  • The increasing expectations of the employees of the organizations to have a safe, healthy and pollution-free working environment with the establishment of the occupational health and safety system.

It should be noted that previously the only reference for evaluating organizations in the field of occupational health and safety systems was the OHSAS-18001 standard. This standard was compiled by the British Standards Institute in the late 1990s, and considering that no international standards had been published in this regard, it was used as a global reference for the occupational health and safety management system for many years. Now, according to the publication of the occupational health and safety management standard by the international standard organization ISO 45001, companies and organizations holding the certificate should update their systems based on this standard. It is worth mentioning that OSP company, in line with its customer-oriented policies and in order to reduce the cost of organizations in implementing ISO 45001 standard requirements, has required its experts to perform during the supervisory audit stages of the occupational health and safety management system established in organizations in addition to obtaining Ensuring the organization’s adherence to the system designed on the basis of OHSAS 18001, and reminding them of possible non-compliance cases in conducting subsequent audits based on the ISO 45001 standard and updating this system. Despite the differences in the expression and implementation approach of these two standards, it should be remembered that both pursue a single goal, and basically the ISO 45001 standard is inspired by the OHSAS 18001 standard and seeks to be more compatible with other relevant standards in the field of Management systems have been compiled. In the following, some of the most important differences in the writing of these two standards are mentioned.

The process approach of the ISO 45001 standard versus the pragmatic approach of the OHSAS 18001 standard

More dynamism in ISO 45001 standard requirements

The aspect of ISO 45001 standard to the opportunities for improvement in addition to the importance of dealing with risks in the requirements of both standards* The more comprehensive attention of ISO 45001 standard to the points of view and interests of all stakeholders of the establishment of occupational health and safety management system in organizations.

The benefits of establishing a comprehensive occupational health and safety system in organizations

  • Aligning the goals and plans of the occupational health and safety management system with the goals of other management systems
  • Creating a framework for continuous improvement in the implementation of goals related to occupational health and safety
  • Adequate knowledge of potential risks in the work environment
  • Assessing risks caused by hazards and reducing them in order to prevent and control accidents
  • Knowing the relevant laws and regulations and as a result reducing costs caused by possible damages due to non-compliance with these laws and regulations
  • Creating a codified set of policies, implementation methods, plans and goals in order to increase the safety level of the organization
  • More employees’ trust in the management through efforts to create a safe and healthy work environment and as a result, their motivation to perform better organizational tasks and duties.
  • Increasing awareness and knowledge of employees in the field of occupational health and safety

OSP company has always considered the promotion of public health and safety all over the world and especially dear Iran as one of its main duties. Therefore, in these years, he has tried to improve the occupational safety of the people of this great land by benefiting from experienced experts in the field of health and safety and monitoring the correct and efficient establishment of the occupational health and safety system in hundreds of companies and organizations.

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