Organizations in different types and sizes face a range of risks that may affect their achievement of their goals.

These goals can be related to a range of activities of the organization, from strategic initiatives to operations, processes and projects of the organization can be in the form of social, environmental, technological, safety and security consequences, commercial, financial and economic measures as well as social, cultural and political effects. and credit reflected.

All the activities of an organization are involved in risks that must be managed. The risk management process helps in decision-making by taking into account the uncertainty and probability of future events and situations (wanted and unwanted) and their effects on the agreed goals.

Risk management includes the use of logical and systematic methods for the following:

Exchange of information and advice in this whole process
Creating a space to identify, analyze, measure and deal with the risk related to any activity, process, task or product.
Monitoring and reviewing risks
✅ Proper reporting and recording of results

Risk assessment is a part of risk management that provides a structured process to identify how the objectives are affected and analyzes the risk in terms of its consequences and probability before deciding whether further action is needed.

This standard has a general nature, so that it can provide guidance for all industries and types of systems. There may be more specific standards in these industries (sectors) that establish preferred methodologies and evaluation levels for specific applications. If these standards are consistent with this standard, then specific standards will generally be sufficient.

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